Why Instagram adds people you don't know and How to avoid it? - Information Technology Blog


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why Instagram adds people you don't know and How to avoid it?

Why Instagram adds people you don't know and How to avoid it?

In our Instagram account, we usually follow people and all kinds of profiles, but it may also be the case that we notice that users appear that we do not remember having previously followed or know very well where they come from.

If this happened to you, you will find accounts that you follow on Instagram without knowing the reason very well, it is good to check the origin. To do this, we show you the steps you must to find out.

Check which accounts we follow on Instagram

The social network may have added accounts that we do not remember following. First, you have to check the accounts we are following to see if we find anything strange. This is done as follows:

  • Open Instagram on your Android phone.
  • Click on the person's icon to enter your profile.
  • Press in a row.
  • In the option "Sorted by ..." press to have them sorted based on the date you followed these accounts.
  • Check if some accounts or profiles do not sound to have followed.

If there is an unknown account, the usual thing is that we do not remember having followed it, but if there are more users that we do not recognize, then something strange happens. This would mean that there is something on Instagram that does not add up.

Which can be the causes

When we meet so many strangers we can assess multiple reasons, each one more crazy, although the usual thing is that the explanations are much simpler than previously thought.

Someone has entered your account

Maybe we left your phone to someone (family, couple, children ...) and that has followed these profiles on your Instagram account. It is something very simple, but very common, hence the first thing to discard.

It may also be that someone has entered our account but without our permission. In this case, we can always check it thanks to the sign-in function, which allows us to see if someone has entered the account.

Linked account

We usually have the Instagram account linked to other services or applications, such as Facebook, for example. This is a possible explanation to which people have been added without our knowledge. It is a very common case.

Some applications are intended to better manage our Instagram account, especially in the case of professional accounts. Some of these applications may follow other accounts automatically. This is the case of influencers or aspiring influencers: trusting applications that promise more followers usually have counterparts. Our recommendation is to run away from these apps.

Instagram failed

Another explanation as simple as possible: it is possible that for some type of failure in the application users appear that do not sound like anything. Sometimes it happens that there is some error in the application, as happens in all.

If this is the case, the most normal thing is that as soon as this ruling is corrected on Instagram, those strange accounts stop appearing. It is usually a matter of time.

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What solutions are there to the problem of unknown accounts among the following?

The causes of this failure or problem in the application are varied, the same happens with the solutions. There are several things we can do that will help it not happen again.

Data access

In this first solution, we can make use of one of the most recent features that have reached Instagram. A few weeks ago the application gave us access to information about which companies have access to our data. It may have been one of them that has caused us to follow strange accounts: revoking access prevents it from happening again. The steps to follow are:

  • Open Instagram on your phone.
  • Enter your profile and click on the top three horizontal stripes.
  • Enter the application settings.
  • Go to the security section.
  • Go to the Applications and web services section.
  • Enter the assets section (active permits are shown).
  • Remove the permission of that company that you do not want to have such access.

We can repeat this process with all the companies or applications that we consider: it is advisable to eliminate the access of the most insecure.

Improve account privacy/security

If the problem was that someone has had access to our account, we can always bet on improving its security. Options such as changing the password or entering verification in two steps are good ways to prevent someone from accessing without permission. You can choose any of these two options at any time, including both (it is recommended). To activate two-step verification, the following must be done:

  • Open Instagram
  • Enter your profile and open the application settings.
  • Go to the security section.
  • Enter the Authentication option in two steps.
  • Press the start button.
  • Follow the steps on the screen.

You can also bet on changing the password to prevent someone from entering the account without permission, especially if it has been detected that someone sneaked into the past. The steps to follow in this case would be the following:

  • Open Instagram
  • Enter your profile and click on the top three horizontal stripes.
  • Click on the configuration option.
  • Enter the Security section
  • Click on the Password option.
  • Enter the current password and a new one.
  • Confirm the new password.

Learn More About: People I don’t know are adding me to instagram groupchats

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