Intranet, Extranet and Internet: know what each term is - Information Technology Blog


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Intranet, Extranet and Internet: know what each term is

Intranet, Extranet and Internet: know what each term is

When it comes to surfing the net and using all available resources we can come across many terms. There are many definitions that refer to the different components, services, platforms or media that we use. Now, sometimes some may get confused. In this article, we are going to talk about three terms that may seem similar, but which in practice have a different meaning. We will explain what is Intranet, Extranet and Internet and see their differences.

What does Intranet mean?

First, let's talk about what Intranet is. In this case, we are facing an internal network, which cannot be accessed by anyone. It allows to share information, services or uses operating systems within that computer network.

This type of networks is usually used by organizations. For example, it can be a company that offers its workers access to certain information, documents or services. No one outside that organization could enter the network and access all the content that it includes.

To connect the devices to each other use local servers. There is no need or need external access to operate. This way you can also reduce costs, streamline communication and even ensure greater security and privacy.

Logically to use an Intranet we will require authentication. That username and password will allow us to access the content that exists. This makes security and privacy present, as we have mentioned. Something that is certainly very important for companies and organizations.

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Learn More: What's the difference between intranet, extranet and internet ...

What does Extranet mean?

When we talk about Extranet, it should be mentioned that it has a function similar to that of Intranet. We can say that it is still a closed network, as in the previous case. However, this time it does support the access of external users. It is a network limited to a specific number of users, but we can access it from anywhere in the world.

It is basically a way to extend the limits of the Intranet. In this way, thanks to our username and password, we can enter that network from other parts without needing to be physically in that place.

It is very useful for companies when they want workers to interact in common without the need to be in the same place. For example, if a person is indifferent buildings or even in different cities or countries.

Although the Extranet is a private network, we can say that it can have a semi-private use as well. To access it, it is not necessary to belong to that organization, since any other person could enter as long as they have a link, as well as username and password.

Many companies use the Extranet to expand the link with customers. A way to offer access to content from anywhere, without the need to go in-person to a bank branch, for example.

What does the Internet mean?

It is certainly the most familiar term for everyone. Thanks to this great platform we can surf the web from anywhere and be in constant communication with the world. It is simply a worldwide network that encompasses all the local networks that are distributed throughout the world.

It is open to everyone, unlike the Intranet and Extranet. We can access without having a username and password for it. We simply need the necessary resources, such as having a compatible device and accessing the Internet.

The Internet offers us a wide range of possibilities. We can browse the thousands of pages, send or receive emails, use very diverse platforms, etc. It is used at all levels and is increasingly present in areas such as education, health and in all types of companies.

In short, as we have seen the terms Intranet, Extranet and Internet may seem similar, but they have important differences. Now we will know how to differentiate each case when it comes to us in our day today.

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