How to write the perfect posts in Google+ and rank higher? - Information Technology Blog


Monday, November 11, 2019

How to write the perfect posts in Google+ and rank higher?

This is why those who do best on social networks are the ones who take the time to change their message from one network to another. Is it necessary to write a different article for each social network? Not at all! But you will not post an article on Facebook as you will on Twitter or Google+.

And if you're wondering whether it's really worth publishing on Google+, let's start with one thing: no other platform is probably better positioned than Google+ to boost your SEO. So even if it's just to index your posts to search results, Google+ should be a must-have for any social media strategy.

Write the perfect post on Google+

By opting for the right editorial line

Google+ is a platform that lies between news media and entertainment. The tone and formatting of your publications may vary depending on the message broadcast, sometimes funny with GIFs or videos, sometimes serious with an infographic or a feature article.

On Google+, you will be able to challenge your audience with questions, to stimulate debate and discussion with articles from your blog or from external sources ... But, in no case, you will not be able to organize contests, since they are forbidden there.

By creating a title even if there is no zone provided for it

Every post on Google+ is like a web page. It is therefore essential to write a title for all your publications, even if there is no title location planned during the writing.

To increase the effectiveness of your message and its referencing, create a title

  • catchy, including 1 to 3 keywords
  • not more than 60 characters
  • bolded so that it is visible.

By structuring your publication

  • Always write a title that does not exceed 60 characters.
  • Accompany your post with a subtitle or a summary of about 150 characters. If necessary, put it in italics using the formatting instructions shown below.
  • Put your keywords forward using 1 to 3 hashtags. Do not put more, only 3 hashtags will be used in your post.
  • Use an attractive visual, 800 x 1200 pixels for desktop reading (800 x 600 pixels for smartphones). By using an image 1200 pixels wide, you increase your chances that your post is expanded.
  • Quote your sources and users affected by your post. To mention a person or a page, just put the + sign just before its name. Used well, this practice will allow you to enlarge and strengthen your network.

Focusing on 7 lines

In theory, a Google+ post can contain up to 100,000 characters, but not all of them will be displayed in the news feed or on your page.

For your message to be viewed in its entirety, it must not exceed 429 characters (including spaces), or about 7 lines, which should ideally include the following information:

  • title (1 line)
  • extract (4 lines)
  • link (1 line)
  • mentions and hashtags (1 line)

By formatting your text

Google+ does not offer a text editor, but when you know the right instructions, you can highlight text with formatting options such as bold, italic, and bulleted. Here is a summary of what you can do ...

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