How to optimize your website URLs for SEO, step by step - Information Technology Blog


Friday, November 8, 2019

How to optimize your website URLs for SEO, step by step

URLs are parts of the content that can be optimized for SEO and with significant value in the eyes of Google. We give you some essential guidelines to improve them.

A URL is the acronym in English that corresponds to Uniform Resource Locator. They are the sequence of characters that follow a standard and that allow to denominate resources within the Internet environment so that they can be located, generating hyperlinks to facilitate navigation. Any website, entry, file or photograph is uploaded to the Internet in a unique way, avoiding duplicate content in search engines.

If you want to have URLs friendly and optimized for SEO you should know that the elements with more weight in the eyes of search engines are the domain, the subdomain, the subfolder and the page. There are several guidelines that you can follow to improve your position on Google thanks to this element.

4 tips to optimize a URL for SEO

  • Enter the keyword: You should never leave the default URL with numbers, arbitrary letters or special characters, but edit it and make it search engine friendly, including the full keyword whenever possible. Do not copy or paste the URLs in the blog or networks, but it is essential to add a specific anchor text.
  • Script as a separator: Escape the low bars and other symbols such as the + and choose the scripts to structure the content of your URL. Tamboén is recommended to avoid the parameters when possible, since the length is excessively increased and there are many URLs for the same content.
  • The good, if brief ...: It is important that the URL be as short as possible, as well as that the keyword is as far left as possible. Avoid stop words - nexus words such as prepositions or conjunctions - and strange characters such as question marks or exclamation marks, tildes or letter ñ, as well as spaces. Advocate for letters and numbers within the English alphabet.
  • Few folders: In order for the tracking time to be shorter - remember that loading speed is essential for good positioning - choose not to have many folders or levels. In this way, you can improve indexing and passing, facilitate the reading of the hyperlink itself for Internet users. Be careful with redirects - especially if it is a long chain.

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